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Interface WithdrawRequest

The withdraw RPC command sends funds from Core Lightning's internal wallet to the address specified in destination.

The address can be of any Bitcoin accepted type, including bech32.

satoshi is the amount to be withdrawn from the internal wallet (expressed, as name suggests, in satoshi). The string all can be used to specify withdrawal of all available funds. Otherwise, it is in satoshi precision; it can be a whole number, a whole number ending in sat, a whole number ending in 000msat, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in btc.

feerate is an optional feerate to use. It can be one of the strings urgent (aim for next block), normal (next 4 blocks or so) or slow (next 100 blocks or so) to use lightningd's internal estimates: normal is the default.

Otherwise, feerate is a number, with an optional suffix: perkw means the number is interpreted as satoshi-per-kilosipa (weight), and perkb means it is interpreted bitcoind-style as satoshi-per-kilobyte. Omitting the suffix is equivalent to perkb.

minconf specifies the minimum number of confirmations that used outputs should have. Default is 1.

utxos specifies the utxos to be used to be withdrawn from, as an array of "txid:vout". These must be drawn from the node's available UTXO set.


  • WithdrawRequest



destination: string
feerate?: string | number
minconf?: string | number
satoshi: string | number
utxos?: string[]

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