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Interface WaitsendpayRequest

The waitsendpay RPC command polls or waits for the status of an outgoing payment that was initiated by a previous sendpay invocation.

The partid argument must match that of the sendpay command.

Optionally the client may provide a timeout, an integer in seconds, for this RPC command to return. If the timeout is provided and the given amount of time passes without the payment definitely succeeding or definitely failing, this command returns with a 200 error code (payment still in progress). If timeout is not provided this call will wait indefinitely.

Indicating a timeout of 0 effectively makes this call a pollable query of the status of the payment.

If the payment completed with success, this command returns with success. Otherwise, if the payment completed with failure, this command returns an error.


  • WaitsendpayRequest



partid?: string | number
payment_hash: string
timeout?: string | number

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