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Interface ListpeersRequest

The listpeers RPC command returns data on nodes that are connected or are not connected but have open channels with this node.

Once a connection to another lightning node has been established, using the connect command, data on the node can be returned using listpeers and the id that was used with the connect command.

If no id is supplied, then data on all lightning nodes that are connected, or not connected but have open channels with this node, are returned.

Supplying id will filter the results to only return data on a node with a matching id, if one exists.

Supplying level will show log entries related to that peer at the given log level. Valid log levels are "io", "debug", "info", and "unusual".

If a channel is open with a node and the connection has been lost, then the node will still appear in the output of the command and the value of the connected attribute of the node will be "false".

The channel will remain open for a set blocktime, after which if the connection has not been re-established, the channel will close and the node will no longer appear in the command output.


  • ListpeersRequest




id?: string
level?: string

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