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Interface FundpsbtRequest

fundpsbt is a low-level RPC command which creates a PSBT using unreserved inputs in the wallet, optionally reserving them as well.

satoshi is the minimum satoshi value of the output(s) needed (or the string "all" meaning use all unreserved inputs). If a value, it can be a whole number, a whole number ending in sat, a whole number ending in 000msat, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in btc.

feerate can be one of the feerates listed in lightning-feerates(7), or one of the strings urgent (aim for next block), normal (next 4 blocks or so) or slow (next 100 blocks or so) to use lightningd's internal estimates. It can also be a feerate is a number, with an optional suffix: perkw means the number is interpreted as satoshi-per-kilosipa (weight), and perkb means it is interpreted bitcoind-style as satoshi-per-kilobyte. Omitting the suffix is equivalent to perkb.

startweight is the weight of the transaction before fundpsbt has added any inputs.

minconf specifies the minimum number of confirmations that used outputs should have. Default is 1.

If reserve if not zero, then reserveinputs is called (successfully, with exclusive true) on the returned PSBT for this number of blocks (default 72 blocks if unspecified).

locktime is an optional locktime: if not set, it is set to a recent block height.

min_witness_weight is an optional minimum weight to use for a UTXO's witness. If the actual witness weight is greater than the provided minimum, the actual witness weight will be used.

excess_as_change is an optional boolean to flag to add a change output for the excess sats.


Let's assume the caller is trying to produce a 100,000 satoshi output.

First, the caller estimates the weight of the core (typically 42) and known outputs of the transaction (typically (9 + scriptlen) * 4). For a simple P2WPKH it's a 22 byte scriptpubkey, so that's 124 weight.

It calls "fundpsbt 100000sat slow 166", which succeeds, and returns the psbt and feerate_per_kw it used, the estimated_final_weight and any excess_msat.

If excess_msat is greater than the cost of adding a change output, the caller adds a change output randomly to position 0 or 1 in the PSBT. Say feerate_per_kw is 253, and the change output is a P2WPKH (weight 124), the cost is around 31 sats. With the dust limit disallowing payments below 546 satoshis, we would only create a change output if excess_msat was greater or equal to 31 + 546.


  • FundpsbtRequest



excess_as_change?: string
feerate: string
locktime?: string
min_witness_weight?: string
minconf?: string
reserve?: string
satoshi: string
startweight: string

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